Happier schools start with ClassDojo
Bring your entire school community together. Get easy messaging, photo & video sharing, tools for positive recognition and more. Free for schools, forever.
See why 95% of schools love us

Where families become teammates

Communication is everything
Share the most important parts of their day
Share photos, videos, and announcements so families feel more connected to their child’s experience than ever.
More unity. More joy.
Celebrate and reward students
Create school-wide values that encourage positive student behavior with family visibility to help them thrive.
Easy messaging, all in one place.
Connect with every family easily
Seamless, mobile-friendly two-way messaging so you can reach every family, all with teacher controls.
Instant event reminders
They’ll never miss ‘crazy hat’ day
Keep families and kids excited and engaged with instant event reminders. Because sometimes we all need an extra nudge.
Communicate instantly in 130+ languages
Now, it's like you can speak every language. Every message and post you send on ClassDojo can be translated into 130+ languages, instantly.

“Dojo is such a key element for the success of our relationships with families, communication, safety - everything. It’s like the heart of our school.”
J. Glenn Edwards Elementary; Sanford, NC
Did you know?
1 in 6 families use ClassDojo.
Get started like that
Hear from school leaders who love us
“ClassDojo creates a community that otherwise I couldn’t do.”
Liz A.
Teacher, J. Glenn Edwards Elementary
“We can motivate students, group kids easily, and build an amazing classroom community. The students love seeing their monster earn more points!”
Melissa C.
Principal, Pullman Elementary
“As a K-5 principal, it has been amazingly easy to know which students may need an extra affirmation or encouragement.“
Dr. Angelia C
Principal, Townline Elementary
“ClassDojo is a perfect way to safely communication with parents, share celebrations and motivate students!“
Sandy M.
Principal, Northeast Elementary
“We send ClassDojo reports home to families and communicate through ClassDojo messenger to include them in our Tier 1 systems.“
Stephanie O.
Principal in Ohio

Privacy. That’s ClassDojo.
Designed to protect, because safeguarding your information is everything to us. We’re certified by iKeepSafe as being fully COPPA and FERPA compliant.
Learn More
Frequently Asked Questions
Is ClassDojo really free for schools and districts?
Yes, ClassDojo is zero cost for schools and teachers – no limitations or paywalls. ClassDojo is committed to remain 100% free for teachers, kids, schools and districts, forever
If I choose to use ClassDojo schoolwide, what happens to teachers already using it?
When your school adopts ClassDojo schoolwide, teachers will still have access to everything they already love about ClassDojo via their existing account. Those you nominate will be able to share stories and events across the whole school providing a consistent and inclusive experience that engages all families.
What controls do I have as a school administrator?
Schools and teachers have the ability to tailor ClassDojo to their communication preferences - from one-way announcements to personal messages with families or a photo and video feed that brings together the whole school. Teachers benefit from features like setting their own quiet-hours, accessing read receipts and scheduling posts. All communications can be automatically translated into 100+ languages, ensuring accessibility for all families.
Is ClassDojo secure and safe to use?
Student privacy and safety are our top priority. ClassDojo is fully compliant with COPPA and enables you to be fully compliant with FERPA.
We’ve been certified by iKeepSafe, the most reputable independent third party accreditor. ClassDojo is also a proud signatory of the Student Privacy Pledge and an active member of the Student Data Privacy Consortium.
How does ClassDojo protect student privacy?
No advertisers or marketers. Anything shared on ClassDojo will never be shared with third parties.
We use the latest security practices to protect schools at all times. We work with independent security researchers to put our systems under extreme, unbiased scrutiny.
Our privacy center explains all our practices clearly and simply. We will notify anyone with a ClassDojo account if we make any changes to our practices
How can I get more information about using ClassDojo schoolwide?
We’d love to share more resources to help your school get the most out of ClassDojo. Reach out to our team at schools@classdojo.com